
When Is Jujutsu Kaisen Anime Coming Out

Jujutsu Kaisen volume 19 is releasing this Monday, April 4, 2022 in Nihon, with a special feature of Yuta Okkotsu on the cover, and several absurd ads. Moreover, new fundamental visuals based on flavor 1 are existence revealed, we have all the details below.

Jujutsu Kaisen is still every bit popular as ever, proving once over again that shonen anime became mainstream as the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 picture show, now out worldwide, is competing at the box office with the latest Batman. Meanwhile, the original manga by Gege Akutami is even so ongoing.

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Jujutsu Kaisen volume nineteen cover with Yuta Okkotsu, new ads

Y'all already should know that the latest capacity and arcs in Jujutsu Kaisen saw the return of Yuta Okkotsu in the serial, and it'due south definitely why Jujutsu Kaisen 0 got adjusted into a moving-picture show. Akutami wrote and published Jujutsu Kaisen 0 every bit a one-shot before starting the manga'southward serialization, and that story is Yuta's first appearance. Anime-only watchers had to learn about Yuta before we got a flavour 2.

Several ads are getting published for the release of book 19, which feature Yuta Okkotsu on its cover. Each advertizement cites i of the coolest quotes of the book and flashes through some of the iconic moments' panels. Two of these ads are getting released each day till April 6 and there will exist ten of them in full.

New key visuals for the flavour 1 rebroadcast

Moreover, Jujutsu Kaisen flavor 1 is getting a rebroadcast starting this April 4 in Japan, equally appear at AnimeJapan 2022. The first episode will have an audio commentary by the seiyuu: Junya Enoki/Itadori and the legendary Junichi Suwabe/Sukuna. New key visuals of the characters are getting revealed on Twitter for the occasion.

  • More JUJUTSU KAISEN – Legendary seiyuu Megumi Ogata shares her thoughts on the series

Jujutsu Kaisen as of March 2022 reached over 65 million copies in impress and that number will only become bigger with the release of volume 19. Season 2 of the anime is coming in 2023. What did yous think of the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie and the developments in volume 19? Let us know in the comments!

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Iyane Agossah

Living near Paris, Iyane (He/Him) is the head of Japanese content at DualShockers. He speaks Japanese, has been loving anime and Japanese games for over 25 years and plays Genshin Impact for its story and exploration. Y'all can accomplish him on Twitter at @A_iyane07.

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